C. Chauncey Burr on Political Debauchery

Northern Democrat and Copperhead, C. Chauncey Burr, made some interesting observations about the operations of a political party. Of course, in this excerpt, the target is the Republican party headed by Abraham Lincoln; however, the general ideas expressed are applicable across time and space.

--August Glen-James,

When a political party debauches the morals of a community, by introducing wholesale abuse against every man who, however honestly, opposes them . . . it is the duty of every man who respects public and private virtue to denounce such a party as a nuisance, and an enemy to the public peace and morals.

When a political party debauches the morals of a community, by introducing wholesale abuse against every man who, however honestly, opposes them—when the social protection due to every man and every woman who leads an orderly and blameless life in community is ruthlessly and maliciously violated, it is the duty of every man who respects public and private virtue to denounce such a party as a nuisance, and an enemy to the public peace and morals. Suppose the democrats of this county should wage the same social and business war upon republicans that republicans have waged upon them, the country would not be a civilized community—it would be a social as well as POLITICAL HELL. No gentleman, no Christian, could live in such a community. . . . These things have abundantly forewarned democrats what they may expect, if that party shall ever have full possession of the fountains of power, and have made the struggle of the hour, even here, one of personal liberty and safety.

Burr, C. Chauncey. Old Guard: The Democracy and its Enemies in Bergen County. Vol. I, June 1862.