
This category will contain works from authors, like F.A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises, that don't fit neatly into the other categories but are of general interest to subjects like socialism, fascism, capitalism, and other “isms” that have caused so much conflict around the globe.
"The Nature of Political Abuses . . . ." Thoughts by William Leggett, January 3, 1835.
General Interest

"The Nature of Political Abuses . . . ." Thoughts by William Leggett, January 3, 1835.

William Leggett, always concerned with government abuse, had an interesting take on the "nature of political abuses." This is short, but is a thought-provoking observation. August Glen-James, editor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It is the nature of political abuses, to be always on the increase, unless arrested by the virtue, intelligence and firmness
1 min read
Government Establishments vs. Private Enterprise: Thoughts by Lysander Spooner, 1844
General Interest

Government Establishments vs. Private Enterprise: Thoughts by Lysander Spooner, 1844

Libertarian, Lysander Spooner, attacked the government's monopoly on mail delivery in his 1844 pamphlet, "The Unconstitutionality of Laws of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails." In said pamphlet, he made an interesting contrast between government establishments and private enterprise. August Glen-James, editory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Universal experience attests that government establishments cannot keep pace
1 min read