August Glen-James

August Glen-James

Government Establishments vs. Private Enterprise: Thoughts by Lysander Spooner, 1844
General Interest

Government Establishments vs. Private Enterprise: Thoughts by Lysander Spooner, 1844

Libertarian, Lysander Spooner, attacked the government's monopoly on mail delivery in his 1844 pamphlet, "The Unconstitutionality of Laws of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails." In said pamphlet, he made an interesting contrast between government establishments and private enterprise. August Glen-James, editory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Universal experience attests that government establishments cannot keep pace
1 min read
How Free Governments are to be framed so as to last, and how they differ from such as are arbitrary: John Trenchard, Cato’s Letters, No. 61, 13 Jan. 1721
Founding Era

How Free Governments are to be framed so as to last, and how they differ from such as are arbitrary: John Trenchard, Cato’s Letters, No. 61, 13 Jan. 1721

Although written with the English government in mind, this selection addresses principles that apply to all forms of government and all office seekers. Often, works like this don't necessarily reveal something unknown to the reader. Most accept the occurrence of political corruption; however, the eloquence of a gifted author's expression
6 min read